Our Marriage Retreats bring hope, restoration, inspiration, and encouragement to married couples – the most intimate relationship we have on earth!
Our Christian marriages should be better than they are! Even in the hard times God’s intent is that we would have joy in our marriage.
Whether for maintenance or repair, every couple attending these marriage retreats will gain the tools they need for a better, lasting marriage and find new inspiration and hope for their relationship.
Our retreats include
a power-packed presentation enhanced with original marriage songs, multi-media, and teaching. Bible-based, yet practical with true-life stories. Discussion worksheets are shared after each session to help couples personally apply the principles presented. There is often laughter and tears, but best of all, a new beginning and stronger foundation for a vibrant, growing relationship. Whether for maintenance or repair, every couple attending will find new inspiration and hope.
“We had been considering divorce after having serious problems for years. We bought your book after the seminar and have been reading it every day. We never used to pray together, but now after 40 years, we wrap our arms around each other and pray. Thank God you shared your seminar with us!”
current Marriage Retreat offered…
Love Sings: The Artistry of Marriage
other topics retreats can cover…
Romantic Dating
The Power of Unity
Prayers that Change Marriages
Principles of Passionate Intimacy
Establishing Loyalty, Honesty, & Integrity
Respecting Spiritual Gifts and Personalities
Creating a Refuge for Each Other
“Team Huddle” Plans
Talking and Communication Skills
Forgiveness & Appreciation Skills